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Orion Racing launched in Lorient

The MOD70 nr.02 was re-launched today in Lorient with its new colors: Orion Racing.   After 5 days of sailing tests in the bay of Lorient, the MOD70 nr.02 will be shipped to Puerto Vallarta…
Orion Racing 21.02.13

Orion Racing join MOD70 Class

Multi One Design (MOD) announced today that US-based Orion Racing has purchased MOD nr.02.  “MOD is delighted to welcome an American boat-owner as it increases the…
Untitled 17.10.12

MOD70 European Tour 2012: Race Summary

At the end of a month’s racing, from Kiel to Genoa, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean it would have been all to easy to forget that this was the first MOD70 European Tour.…
Untitled 04.10.12

The Multi One Championship 2012 is won by Spindrift racing.

In the famous Yacht Club Italiano in Genoa, Wednesday October 3rd, the glittering prizegiving for the first MOD70 European Tour lowered the curtain on the first exciting…
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Multi One Championship